Champion Beauty College
Student Personnel Service Plan
The objectives of the student personnel services are to provide Financial Aid, career assistance, and counseling to the student during admission, enrollment, and job placement. Alumni also receive continued career placement counseling.
The school Director is responsible for guiding and overseeing the student’s learning experiences and participating in the student’s written evaluations.
As the prospective student arrives at Champion Beauty College, they first complete an information sheet.
The Admissions Representatives review this information and then interview the prospective student, explaining the admission requirements. The admissions representative may ask the student if they have formulated any career plans to get an idea of what the student wants to get out of their education.
If the Admissions representative is not best suited to help the student, for example,
The Financial aid Officer will deal with financial counseling and the arranging of financial aid. The financial aid officer will keep abreast of current regulations by attending conferences by required reading. The Institution will contract with a third-party provider to package student financial aid and assist the financial aid officer.
For all student matters not previously resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the Admission Representative will refer the student to the Chief Financial Officer or a designated staff member.
The Placement Officer is responsible for career guidance for graduating students. Currently, the President performs the job of Placement Officer. The Placement Officer will provide more than referrals to employers and lists of help-wanted advertisements.
Feedback from graduates also contributes to the occupational data available for career counseling. Occupational data also comes from staff and faculty members and the Advisory Board.
Facilitators and Educators help the students to write resumes, cover letters, and business plans. They also teach the students to dress for interviews, to develop interviewing techniques, and to find leads for jobs.
The Placement Officer does not guarantee employment but will help bring an employer and prospective student together. If the graduate’s skills are current, they are eligible for continuous placement service.
The Placement Officer will maintain a file on all students who request assistance.
Students are directed to the staff member who can respond most appropriately to their particular needs in each situation. Sometimes the administrative staff initiates the counseling situation, and at the other times, students make the counseling request.
As the number of students grows the school would like to implement a faculty advisory program. It will be designed to give individual attention. To students and provide valuable feedback to the faculty and staff. The Program may be strutted as follows:
Each Instructor will be assigned a group of students. The ratio of students counseled to counselors will be large enough to allow for a good mixture of both new and current students.
The group will be able to meet with their advisor for discussion.
Other meetings may be scheduled on an individual as-needed basis.
If the student is under the legal age of majority, the counseling session will be held with the student’s parent or guardian.
Drug and Alcohol awareness lectures and crime campus security lectures are given periodically. And comply with federal regulations. Attendance at these lectures is mandatory and is documented.
Students are in contact with the faculty daily. Because of this classroom contact, informal advisory discussion occurs both in and out of the classroom. Since instructors are not professional counselors, it is their responsibility to only provide information on resources available in the community that may be of assistance to the student. Often a student needs only a sympathetic ear.
The school feels that an active advisory program is an integral part of the student retention program.
It is the responsibility of all staff to help students as needed with problems. The staff member conducting the advisory session will document the session. Records of counseling sessions are retained in the student’s academic file.
In order for the staff and faculty to provide helpful career and academic counseling, Champion Beauty College must have occupational data. The sources of data are:
Input from the business community through;
The Advisory Board.
By Networking done by the Admission Representative and Financial Aid Officer, and Placement questionnaires answered by graduates.
Follow-up Placement questionnaire answered by graduates.
Faculty’s involvement in business and professional organizations.
Vendors of products.
Trade publications and magazines, local and national newspapers.
New Student orientation for day school students is scheduled for the first day of class. Evening school students have orientation on the first night of class. Orientation provides the students with information on the school’s policies and procedures, instructional programs, and student activities and resources available.
Permanent student academic records are retained in fireproof filing cabinets. Only faculty and staff who have a direct involvement with the students may access the files. The CFO is responsible for maintaining official files and records of students.
The counseling program is evaluated in exit interviews. Eventually, a questionnaire will be mailed to both graduate students and students who withdraw before graduation. In the mailout, a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be included in an attempt to encourage the students to return the evaluation form.
As part of the graduation process, students meet with individual faculty and staff members in an exit interview to review their school experience and to solicit questionnaires evaluating the school.
Information regarding the evaluation of student personal service is obtained during the exit interview conducted with the Admission Representative, Financial Aid, and the Placement Officer.
The administration shall review this plan annually and implement changes as needed to enforce this plans.