Champion Beauty College
Plan for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Student Retention
Purpose of This Plan:
To outline how we will evaluate the effectiveness of student retention annually.
To include input from faculty, staff, and student
To indicate how we will disseminate the results of annual evaluations to faculty and staff.
To show how we will use the results to improve the retention plan for students.
Overview of Services Provided to Students:
It is the responsibility of the student services division to provide services that help students efficiently move through their college experience, make them feel welcome, and assist in their success, particularly toward their areas of completion, placement, and licensure. It is our goal to work efficiently while treating each student not only with respect but genuine encouragement.
Faculty are dedicated to student success and are expected to meet regularly with students regarding academic progress. Faculty are available in all program areas to assist with program questions, attendance, and required academic progress. Faculty can identify potential risk factors for withdrawing from school and connect students to possible resources.
Champion Beauty College has a variety of financial aid options for existing and potential students.
Students are referred to supporting agencies in instances where additional resources beyond educational financial assistance are needed (e.g., food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, etc.)
Retention Effectiveness:
Different departments have used customized methods to obtain student feedback to help us determine the effectiveness of services rendered.
The Student Services division manages surveys and reviews each year.
How results will be disseminated:
The student services provide summary data from the survey results. The results will be shared with the faculty, staff, and Advisory Council.
Program and Student survey results along with outcome data and withdrawal rates are evaluated annually by the administration to identify areas of concern.